There is a lot of advice to be shared regarding choosing, purchasing and owning a dog, it would not be possible to include it all in this page but you can find a few pointers here.
Before choosing a dog you really need to consider what is a "requirement" and what is a "desire", you should not simply choose a dog because it is your favourite breed or you like the way it looks. The colour of the dog should also not be a deciding factor for you, of course it's good to know exactly what you want but there are far more important characteristics you should concentrate on.
You need to firstly decide what it is you want from the dog, what you want the dog to be trained in and what you expect the dog to do. Do you want the dog to be a guard dog that is not sociable but ideal to protect an estate or a building (E.G. a warehouse)? Do you want a personal or family protection dog that is good around children and other pets? Are you a looking for a dog trained in detecting narcotics, money, weapons? There are many different abilities dogs can be trained to do so you should really consider fully what it is you want the dog to do and what it is you need the dog to do. If this is going to be a family pet then it should be discussed with the necessary family members.
Once you have a definitive decision of what you require you should browse the available dogs on this website to see which dogs would be suitable for you. Each advert offers a PDF version and if you are a registered member you can add an advert to your "favourites list" so shortlisting and choosing the perfect dog should be an easy process. Once you have finished shortlisting, you should then begin contacting the companies offering the dogs.
After you have spoken to the companies and made your decision on the dog you are going to go for you should arrange an appointment to visit and look at the dog, any reputable company will provide a handover period where they will train you on how to look after and control the dog. This training is normally done at the location of the company you are purchasing the dog from, however some companies will bring the dog to your house and provide the training at your home.
Purchasing any pet should never be a decision taken lightly, you should do thorough research and consider the full implications of having a pet, especially a dog. The initial purchase price of trained dogs can vary largely depending on many factors, you should also consider pet insurance and the costs involved in having a dog (food, daycare, accommodation when on holiday etc...)
If you would like further advice please post your questions here in our forums where we have an entire section dedicated to advice being shared.
Selling through K9Sale is a quick and easy process and is sure to increase exposure of your dog for sale to more potential customers. To advertise on K9Sale you are required to have a premium account which costs £10 a month but allows you to advertise as many of your dogs as you wish. Currently free advertising is permitted until the 1st August 2017 you will need to create an account on the website and then email requesting your free advertising is activated until the 1st August.
Your adverts should be as accurate and detailed as possible to give you the best chance of finding the right owner for the dog you have worked hard on to train. Our advert design is done in a way to try and make providing all of the required information easy. To really appeal to potential customers you are encouraged to upload photos and include a YouTube video of your dog, this can all be done very easily when creating the advert, no technical or coding experience is required. The handy "availability" feature in the advert allows you to start advertising your dogs whilst they are still in training by setting the "availability" so potential customers know when the dog will be ready for sale. Just remember to keep the "availability" setting updated. It is highly recommended to include a competitive price in your advert. Adverts that include a price are more likely to attract interest. If anything changes relating to the dog you can always edit your advert at any time.
We offer a variety of useful add-ons for adverts allowing you to make them more noticeable and attract more attention. Add-ons include; featuring at the top of the homepage, featuring in a premium gallery, having your advert appear highlighted, having your advert appear in bold or having your advert appear near the top of the list in that category. If you have a lot of good photos you would like to upload to your advert for a small price of £2 you can increase the allowed number of photos you can upload on that advert from 5 to 15. For a full list of available add-ons and their pricing please visit this page.
We recommend all sellers become a partner of K9Sale for free by simply adding our badge to your website which your visitors can click and be forwarded directly to your profile registered with us that lists all of your adverts you have posted on our website. If you would like to become a partner please click here.
Further Info
If you have any questions, would like to provide feedback or make any suggestions please feel free to contact our helpdesk at any time.