K9Sale is built by a team who have worked together in the online industry for over 10 years and have a combined 32 years worth of experience in developing, maintaining, hosting and promoting a variety of websites that provide services all over the world. With this experience and their shared passion for professionally trained dogs it was only natural that K9Sale was to be born offering a quality service to those looking to buy and sell highly trained canines. The experienced team behind K9Sale will continue to promote and develop the website which will result in more visitors and potential customers for you.
Adverts posted on K9Sale are feature rich and support a variety of social networking options enabling your adverts to reach a large target audience. Adverts can have YouTube videos embedded in them as well as pictures providing ample opportunity to display just how effective and skilled your dogs are, leaving potential customers truly amazed and excited. Our adverts are cleverly designed to assist you in providing all of the important and required information to potential customers. Each advert includes built-in features to allow visitors of K9Sale to email the advert directly to a friend or share the advert on social network sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn so the amount of people your advert can reach really is limitless. All of your adverts will also be automatically posted on the official K9Sale Twitter page therefore as K9Sale continues to expand so will the amount of people seeing your adverts.
Our website is very user friendly and offers a variety of features to people looking to purchase a trained dog including offering an advanced search function, the ability to add adverts to a favourites list, helpful forum, and the option of downloading a copy of an advert in a PDF format. These are just a few features that will keep potential customers using our site to help them find their new canine.
As well as all of the above you have a multitude of add-ons available to further boost your adverts to help them stand out and get even more noticed. You can choose from:
- Having your advert appear on our homepage, being one of the first adverts our users will see. This is guaranteed to get your advert noticed.
- Have your advert appear highlighted in the category list
- Have your advert appear in bold in the category list
- Have your advert appear near the top of the category list
- Have your advert appear in our "featured adverts gallery"
You can take full advantage of all of this and advertise as many of your dogs as you wish for the small price of £10 a month, so rather than the question "Why advertise with us?" the question should be "Why not advertise with us?".
If you have any queries please contact our helpdesk.