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K9Sale is an exciting and user friendly website that offers the perfect environment for professional dog trainers from around the world to advertise their superbly trained working dogs and also offers an exclusive system developed to allow dog lovers to easily find their perfect K9 companion. So if you're a dog trainer looking to advertise your highly trained working dog or somebody looking to upgrade your security by purchasing a loyal, reliable and fearless companion that will protect you and your family without any hesitation, then you have definitely come to the right place. Highly trained canines not only provide the perfect companion but serve a great purpose in the working industry and in a lot of cases are the most useful tool a human can have allowing you to do your job more securely and efficiently.

We have a selection of dogs including but not limited to; Personal Protection Dogs, Patrol Dogs, Police Dogs, Multi-Purpose Police Dogs and Guard Dogs, so we are sure you will be able to find exactly what you desire. If you would like a dog custom trained to your requirements then the companies that advertise on here will have their contact details available so feel free to enquire!

All of our adverts have the option to download a PDF version of the advert, great for when there are a few dogs that you are interested in and want to discuss with other family members, simply download the PDF document for each advert you are interested in, print them out and make the perfect decision for you and your family.

K9Sale is not associated with any dog training company and therefore is the perfect site to offer an honest, impartial and reliable service to all dog trainers and those wishing to purchase a highly trained dog.

Working dogs are not only man's best friend but they are also life savers as well!

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